Sunday 1 April 2012

A manifesto for Abundance & Prosperity

I spent years not charging what I was really worth because deep down I held beliefs about money that came from both society and my poor background. I suffered with 'poverty conciousness' brought about by having lack of money throughout my upbringing and reinforced by the people that surrounded me through my adult life. Despite my open mind that understood that we create the life we want, my deep-seated beliefs would sabotage my good intentions. At the heart of it I guess I felt the same as my mum does when she says things like "People like us never get out from under".

Another part of my 'anti-awealth' beliefs came from my 'hippy' consciousness which has been merrily informing me that not only is money 'just an energy' but that wealth is almost a cardinal sin to a 'happy to be poor' free spirit like myself. Wealth is just another drug to crave while we push aside happiness for material gain. My inner hippy used to giver her opinion every time I was asked for my prices - I would want to say the price I know I am worth but instead a paltry 'safe' fee would squeak out of me instead. Charging hardly anything for my work meant I had to work 5 times harder to earn the money I needed to live on. It wasn't long before my working day was 12 hours a day 7 days a week! I never saw my friends, I rarely got outside in the sun and even though I live with my partner, we never had any quality time. Despite being a published author, a respected expert who receives many calls from TV show producers and journalists, and an entrepreneur with 2 unique businesses based on 18 years of practise - I found myself in a cold sweat every time the rent was due.


My poverty consciousness and beliefs about money were keeping me right in my comfort zone, skint. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and while being dirt poor constantly is certainly not comfortable it is what I was used to. I KNEW how to be skint, I don't know how to be wealthy. And this is the crux of the matter. It takes a leap of faith, mentally to change your poverty script - you can't say "when I am wealthy I will....." you have to believe in being wealthy first THEN the magic happens.

If you're in the position I used to be, hard-working but forever lacking in cash-flow, you may have deeply rooted poverty consciousness. You can change your belief systems and open the financial floodgates if you give it some effort. It does require some work but results can happen very quickly if you are CONSISTENT.

Getting professional help from a Business Coach like Marie Milligan can create a quantum leap in manifesting abundance and getting your life and business on track.

I created my own 'Abundance Manifesto' which I pinned up at home to help me change my poverty consciousness record. As you can see I address my core beliefs about money by creating abundance affirmations and by appeasing my 'inner hippy' by showing that my wealth also benefits others too - even those that won't be able to afford my real prices.

You offer a unique gift to the world and you deserve to be paid abundantly for that

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