Wednesday 4 April 2012

Pink & Fizzy: sparkling grapefuit drink

Pink Grapefuit-ade

Sometimes only a fizzy tipple will do when a lady is thirsty. This is a variation on lemonade which is not only tartly refreshing but deliciously good for you too.

You need:

Fresh juice of half a pink Grapefruit
Dried dates
Sparkling spring water (chilled)

To make:
Soak a few dates (2-4) overnight in water. ( the soakwater ends up being a sweet sticky syrup that is amazing as a sugar substitute). Squeeze a large juicy pink grapefruit and add the juice to a tall glass, add a teaspoon or 2 of date soak water to eat glass and then top up with chilled sparkling spring water.

For effect add some frozen raspberries as cute ice cubes

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